8 ounces of toilet paper... some luxury triple ply velvet shit... not the newspaper non-absorbant stuff u get in india
never....... why? if u don't to say it on hear pm me plz cos i like knowing bout other ppl's misery!!!
*un-hijacks thread* Get some dirt from you garden. Then you can carry a piece of home everywhere you go.
should have known what this post would turn into dogfgie we considered toilet roll but we get pretty decent stuff imported from this shop up the road, costs us more than a night out just to wipe our arse on something but thats india...at least we can get toilet roll....some people can't and have to make do with the indian left hand and water technique...uuurrrrggghhh damocles...nice idea but im really not that homesick and theres enough dirt in this country as it is *interesting fact* living in Pune (the city im in) is the equivalant to your body of smoking 20 fags a day (or so it says in the lonely planet guide...pollution is nasty! maybe i should get a gas mask thingy
lol, when i was up north india, went on a trip to the Nubra Valley (the furtherest north you can go in India) and the bus left at 5 am... at about 6 am we passed a big open area of waste land, and dotted about were about 20 - 30 people all having their morning number two... the worrying thing was there was not a scrap of toilet paper in site dont shake anyones left hand!
just wear a plastic bag on your head all day... clean air, obviously u d have to put it on way before, like whilst on the place Jules.. got your text, sorry been busy, yeah weekend after no probs whats goin on eh? workin till late in library, doing essays... u trying to do well this year or something
If I didn't know better I would think u were suggesting I kill myself!! R u trying to steal my throne young peasant? Tut! Tut! I'm the model student this term! (apart from missing first couple of weeks while I was in LA ) I've got a deal wiv mr sparkles & I'm true to my word! Aww thanku bout weekend thing...I will conquer this essay! See u soon! x!
Ken thats not just a rural north indian thing, that is India through and through! that is why its offensive to eat with your left hand lol....the people here just stop and do their business at the side of the street! p.s jules, when you come over your going to have the biggest list of stuff yto bring, so bring a massive bag....cause your also going to have some extra luggage on the way back....all the souvenirs i manage to collect while im here hahaha x
handy when u get hit with the runs, means u can go where you want and no one batters an eyelid, was that too much info? when u gotta go, u gotta go! I thought u were stuck for something to have sent over, now u haev a big list of things for Jules to bring over