haha aye there are some belters around, the one thats been everywhere on this board is in the photos section, tbh i really don't remember a thing from inside the academy, i was a discrase
you are no longer my friend! me and katie and the only ones still at 6th form u cheeky so and so :evil: :evil: :evil:
ha ha i dont class 6th form as school, thats why you arent included in it! plus youre cool, so you fall into the other ten percent please me again
i wasnt being horrible! he said i will get my tongue stuck- im presuming he meant up your arse! and i was suggesting its that far up i can taste your lunch!
I used to love him....I don't think I can bring myself to kill him but I don't think I can speak to him :cry2: HOW COULD YOU DO THIS PAUL
i never i actually said anything bad about you! im a lover, not a fighter please forgive, dont make me beg