That's what keeps getting me back on it If you can handle being psychotic for 10 weeks - try getting Zyban from your doctor/pharmacist, it does the job, makes you hate cigarettes, but has some weird weird side effects... I'm going to try get it again in the new year when I know I'm not unwell any more
ive had quite a good year!!!! sorted myself out loads, moved back in with my mam, calmed down on the class a's a canny bit, and got out of a job i hated into one im enjoying!!!! had a really good year with my mates, went out loads and had some very good nights, looking forward to more of the same in '05!!!!
I've heard both good and bad things about hypnotherapy, but if I take Zyban again then go back on the damn wee fuckers I think it'll have to be tried. At least it won't make you crazy (I hope)
It did make me give up 'mentally' and physically too - I couldn't stand them at all. Until I stupidly got a girlfriend who wouldn't leave my fucking bed to go for a tab, and me being off my face started saying "ooh, I'll have a bit off that", and before I knew it...
Ive had a good year !! Met loads of new people..made a lot of good friends Had a really nice birthday..know that sounds stupid but its stuck in my head Went to Ibiza for the first time this year.. Some major changes this year aswell..but im sure they r for the best Getting my exam results in the summer was class aswell! Theres obviously been lows but thats life really... Oh yeah..fell head over heels for an overweight skeleton.. Still, roll on 2005, I cant wait
Would hate to think about the amount of :beer: and stuff we've gone through to get you through things...! No probs though chief!
ive hated 2004, even though loads of stuffs happened, its all been shit, split up with my lad of 2 year, lost my job, twice been ill most of the year, and been in hosp a few times for loads of horrible tests and stuff, moved out of my mam and dads for the first time, then moved house again, met loads of new people though, quite a few of them were cocks, a few were ok my best mate moved away to uni, all in all its been a pretty crap year, im hoping next years guna be better though. i can probs count the good things that have happened to me this year on one hand tbh!!!
2004 started really badly, broke up with my g/f, but then got back together again. Went to some top nights across the country, my 3 day b'day bender of Promise, Arena + Crasher was fairly mint! Haven't went out as much, which even though I feel like I've miss out on things, but it's got really good benifits such as spending loads more time with my son, and not feeling crap for days after going out. Drugs have also took a back seat over the year, which can only be a good thing. Went to some cool places, Ibiza once again, which was a good laugh, plus some really nice weekends away with Cookee Overall it's been a pretty good year, sorted my head out a bit, and I'm slowly but surely getting what I want, and getting my priorities in order!
My years been canny good like. Erm moved out in september wiv me mates....lovin it so far! Seen a few DJ's for the first time who blew me face off....Van Dyk, Armin. Been to a couple of amazing clubs (Passion and the Arches to see PVD). Met loads of people from the board thru goin to promise.....all sound!! Bad points.....didnt get to go to Ibiza (me mates couldn't afford it ) Seen Tiesto for the first time and was severely dissappointed! Newcastle so far this season Still not bad tho. Ps. Oh and i got some CDJ's for crimbo!! Big step up from me soundlabs!