HEHE :lol:
i did that for my ex and she went off on one saying she didnt like suprises!!
out of intrest how many posts do you need because its been bugging me aswell! :D
problem your going to have is there are hardly any good quake 2 servers left and the ones that are left are always based in germany etc etc...
can you ask mr mujao to unban rootntoot's i.p? he says he is genuinly sorry!!
Andrew Barber spins tunes as DJ Magnificent Rocket :wink:
this is a regular occurance for me, i hate it when you wake up and its freezing.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: whilst smoking a fag?
why do they spend so much time and money trying to clean it up? just burn the fucker - it would be quicker and as long as they plant some trees...
she would definatly get, winnits clinkers the whole damn shabang!
hey, aint it the case that beauty if in the eye of the beholder? fair enough you might not like her but it may well float someone elses boat!!
i knew DJ would be straight in their with the pics, dirty bastard.
more like sell the sol and build houses on it mate
:lol: :king: :king:
just remember when it comes to us blokes, there is always more to the picture than meets the eye.
correction - really fine
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