Just the one but apparently it the lad he was fighting is shit, I havent seen it like
khan will win this fight a piece of piss
and also that the lass isnt from pakistan
tickets still available for this?
Bar Hasbeens, £12 fuck right off
You cant play football manager on them so there nee good to nobody
YouTube - Sinead O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U
Im just watching the williams fight now, what a joker lol
I sharp got bored of my ds like, I only used to use it in the house so it was pointless
He spoke alot of sense for the first time in years
I dont think it matters which angle you look at it from its difintely snapped :lol:
Hes a grade A free range organic bellend
Black people are better at most sports, no racism just facts, useless cunts cant swim though
Yeah thats what Ive got 42inch regza, only thing I miss about the sammy is that you could swivel it which you cant with the regza
Im happy to pay a ton for it initially I just dont want to be paying anymore than about £35 a month on my contract
I loved my samsung like till I knocked it off the stand, the picture on my toshiba better but it is two year newer aswell
It will be shite like, heavyweight boxings is shocking at the minute and doesnt look like getting better anythime soon
Hmm I think pioneer might just be slightly better than samsung like jimi
Ive got a year to run on my contract but will certainly be looking at getting an iphone after that, prices should be much better by then
my o2 signal is gash and always has been, I dont think it matters what network your on, the signals gash whatever youve got
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