scruf pm 4 u :D
tenancy agreement if u sign a tenancy agreement and then one of them wants to move out before the time is up were does the person left stand...
how was tidy ? how was it then have the normal lot all survived the the weekend???? come on want all the strories and aaron did u go in...
hi all wat u been up to how is u al doing dunc u all recovered from the weekend just got back to work been ill all week :( shitting colds :D
tuesday joke A mother was working in the kitchen, listening to her five-year-old son playing with his new electric train in the living room. She...
anyone got plans for this weekend debating what to do on friday i think im guna stay in saturday im having my housewarming so no clubbing...
Happy birthday matt have a good day bud last weekend mint warm up for it c ya soon dont have to much fun in beefa dude love linzi x:beer:...
octave blackwater how good is this tune been listening to it loads recently it is one of my favourite :D
how is every1 ive had a mint day found a house and got anew job things can only get better now and its friday tomorrow BONUS how r...
so whos cumin on saturday ? are any of u lot cumin to stockton for trance classics will b a gud one i cant wait linzi x
Did everybody have a gud weekend what u lot get up to ???? i am feeling so fragile from saturdays anitcs n the rents r just bk of there hols...
just thought id introduce myself hi im linzi :D x x x x x
Separate names with a comma.