Scootercabs Got a flyer for this the other day Where they come to your car on a foldaway moped, put it in your boot and drive your car with you...
Buying new equipment When buying new mixers / decks obviously its better to try it out first. Most people seem to be in the agreement that Global...
New CD decks In this issue's DJ mag its got a pull out EQ section. In there its got a feature on a new CD deck Denon are bringing out - basically...
Longest set you've done What is it? I'm on about no stops at all - one continuous mix The longest I did was 5.25 hours recorded straight onto...
Lovegroove Dance Party Euro Mix Anyone else miss this show? Every saturday Danny Rampling playing a quality selection of trance, nu-nrg, acid and...
Annie Lennox - Pavement Cracks How good is this tune. Even the current remix kings Gabriel and Dresden have been outshone on this one by...
George Best back on drink Says in todays papers he's hit the bottle again. Got in a drunken brawl with some photographers and got arrested. Sad...
Sankey Soap Anyone ever been here Morillo is on the 2nd august. Just wondering if anyone knows much about it - opening times etc
Acapella ID Does anyone know the name of this acapella. Played in shindig quite a lot. It's a bloke speaking for ages and bits of it are In...
Favourite Essential Mix I nearly always record the essential mix on radio1 and have done for a few years. What's your favourite ever one...
Is your kid on drugs? Anyone see this programme on C5 last night. Was actually quite a decent programme telling people why kids do it and...
Dc10 Has anyone ever been to this club in ibiza. Its supposed to be pretty mental on a monday after space. Was just wondering what the people...
Diggers Anyone see him on saturday. Wasn't half as busy as when he played in february. Kept it pretty minimal all the way through but toughened...
Clubbing in ibiza For those of you that have been to ibiza, how often did you go clubbing (on say a 2 week holiday). When I say proper clubbing I...
Danny Howells at shindig Another superb set from Danny. Nice to see him play a couple of acid techno tunes right near the end. Wasn't as full as...
Oakey to play Shack Know its a long way off but Oakey is to play Sugar Shack (It's on their website) on the 29th August,the day I get back from...
Sniffer dogs I know this might alarm a few people but at Colourfest there was loads of police on the entrance and everyone who went in was at the...
Dave Angel Seen him a few times including his set at Coloursfest. Like watching an artist at work Superb working of the mixer, unbelievble...
DJ's who've played shindig and crasher At the Republic that is Saw a similar list for Promise a few weeks ago Surprisingly long list for...
If you were a waxwork in Madame Tusauds If they were to make a waxwork of you or someone else in Madame Tusauds, what pose / situation would you...
Separate names with a comma.