What beach and what time? just wondering because i dont think i can make it into town early so i could meet u all there?
haha should of seen me on the bucking bronko last night "karl if u last over 1 mins 20 u win ?!?!??!? 10 seconds later flat on me ass was mint...
fao revel how was ur taxi last night? he not try 2 knock over any buildings :lol: :D :p :D
anyone know steven millers mobile number? :confused: :confused: :confused:
altered pics! when me n our kid arnt on set we luv 2 go clubbin! e heeee! :D :lol: :D
hidden message! theres a hidden message in here u may or may not find it, have a look closley u may see it, its right infront of ur eyes!, can...
its propa bo i tell thee! chamone mutha fucka! [IMG] :D :lol: :D
lol how mints this! now thats wot i call music look at the discographys online jukebox :p :D :lol: :D
.mid files... anyone know a programme 2 change a mp3 file 2 a .mid file (if u can) :D :confused: :D
the OFFICIAL good luck 51 post! dj comp tonight at eivissa im on at 9:30 if any ones not up town! GOOD LUCK! :D :cool: :king:
who hates weeble and bob? i find it totally unfunny! :( :o :rolleyes:
so whos doing shitdig the morra? i am :D :eek: :(
so wots everyone doing tonight then? im gonna relax till tomorrow! :D :p :D
well nass the truth is out now! the truth! :D :o :D
cant find the other one 2 put this one with! so here it is by itself :D :lol: :D http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/text/victories.html
polyphonic ringtones?? anyone know any good sites with trance etc ones?!?!! :D :confused: :D
were? were can i download a programme that detacts infrared? i have a infrared drive thing! or how do i activate my win98 one! :D :( :D
test :D :p :D
Help??? right i need to get the computer 2 ask me for the win98 disk again as i pressed cancel how can i do this? :D :confused: :D
britney swears! click :lol: :lol: :king:
Separate names with a comma.