Is It Just Me....... Is it just me or is this day total dragging??????:mad: Cant wait for tonite keep looking at the clock!!!!!!!...
OhOhOh!!!!!! HeY loos how are ya hun??????:D :D Its Kelly by the way!!!!!!!:angel: :angel:
BeFoRe yoJi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is everybody still gona meet up at the cottage before Yoji??:D We should all meet about 8:30!!!!!!!:angel:...
FAO: aLLIe AnD OrBiT!!!!!!! Did I not meet u guys at naughty last night??????:D :D If I did then how are u two???????? Keepin it real I...
CoOlEsT!!!! Who is the coolest dj going???? :cyber: :cyber: :cyber: :cyber: :cyber: :angel: :angel: :angel: And why?????????:p :p :p :p :D :D :D
HaPpY DaYs!!!!!! Yoji in eight days!!!!!!!:D :D :D GeT In i cAnT WaIt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:angel: :angel: :angel: Gona be class everyone off...
PlUmiT dAMaGe!!!!!! What do u guys think of plumit damage??????;) ;) ;) Cheesy?????? Or NOT???????? Luv kElKaY!!!!!!!!!!!:angel:...
Anyone!!!!!! Any of you guys saving ya selfs for YoJi???????:p :p :p AnD dOeS AnYoNe KnOw whaTs hApPenInG WiTh ThE TeMpLaTeS FoR thE...
MuLlEtS! mUlLeTs! mUlLeTs!! U guys will have to go and look at: :lol: :lol: :lol: Its one of the funniest things...
AnOtHeR JoKe!!!!!!! All the women of Iraq shaved there pussys in protest Each holding signs up reading "NO MORE BUSH" HE HE HE HE:lol: :lol:...
DrEsSiNg uP!!!!! Hope everyone is going the full hog for YoJi!:cyber: :cyber: Coz I know I am just got to work out what to wear!!!! MaD AnD...
Nass that name rings a bell!! Did I not meet you last nite???:angel: :p :D :D :angel: :p :D
Newbie Alert Hello I'm Kelly.I'm new to the board. You may know me from Promise. Full benefit:D :D :D :D :groovy:
Separate names with a comma.