BRET -THE BRAIN- FRAIN where is he these days, i aint been flooded with mails about his mixing or seen status updates about how bad his life is...
dongle i need one of these for my laptop as we dont have wireless, on the base i just want the internet as i have a laptop, currently on an...
had a tooth out its on the top left hand side of my mouth, the 2nd one from the back and they took the tooth out and had a to hack into my gums...
blackberry just got myself one in the past few days a 8900 curve and its mint, i dont know how to do a thing on it but i love it, i fear its a...
leopard geckos got 2 of these, 8 month old each. 2 places for them to hide in, a water bowl in a medium sized container with a heatmatt...
ghd's got a pair of the thin ones with box, bough for £120 had since new, in mint condition £60 ono
channel 4 NOW race and intelligence this is good viewing and we may find out if white people are smarter then black poeple or the other way round
rude tube i have just got a message for my video on you tube from rude tube, and there willing to discuss a fee if they show it ha ha get in
raw eggs are these good before training?
dont eat snails YouTube - Dont eat snails
everyone you may not already know this but I AM FUCKING FANTASTIC thank you for your time, that is all :cool2:
peasant wagon right, what bus goes from newcastle to birtley? down durham road prefrebley,...
black or white YouTube - This is How you Remind Me
best tv series whats peoples thoughts i have a few like this is my top 5 1, auf wiedersehen pet 2, scrubs 3, detectives 4, life on...
mobiles just watching the tv and them websites that buy your mobile off you for cash, what happens to these mobiles then? like do they re sell...
Dementia my mam has just rang me and asked to pop down to my grans house today and just see if i notice anything diffrent about her my mother...
classic kyle ha ha and i thought i couldnt spell YouTube - Jeremy Kyle - How to Spell Father ?
great north bike ride im doing this 2moz and canny nervious if truth be told as the ride is 56 miles and the most ive done in one go is 40, i...
what happend to tyler leigh? i was just looking back at some old flyers and lanyards i have kicking about and she seemed to be on everything a...
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