global gathering are any of you lot goin? just cos there doesnt seem to be that much interest in it this year.
internet problem when i am watchin video on the soon as i make the video full screen after a couple of seconds it comes up wit a...
golliwog teddy's does anyone know where i could purchase one from?
greg downey this friday? is it this friday that greg downey is on at promise? just i cannot find anythin in the goin out forum? if so....who's...
creamfields coach does anyone know if there are any coaches or mini buses goin to creamfields only on the sunday for creamfields? because for...
fiddla box is full mate again lol
fiddla box is full mate.
bus to global is anyone puttin on a bus to global this year?
fiddla empty your pm's please :D
laughin gas at GK. does any one know if there is goin to be laughin gas on at godskitchen?
rebekah did anyone see how nice she was? i thought she was absolulty amazing quite small tho. easily one of the nicest Dj's i hav seen.
wot do the lil signs mean in the margin? wot do them lil camera's and question marks mean in the side of the margin?
loan for an 18 yr old? does anyone know of any gud places that will giv an 18 yr old a loan? cos i know most banks won't but there is sum places...
why are people on here on a friday night? my excuse is cos i hav got a big day ahead of me tomorow so i need my money wot about u's?
who is your favourite dj? and only pick 1
wanted- bus tickets for creamfields. as many as u hav got
how many people on here actually go to promise? i know i do but about the rest.
how many people will be pressing snooz on their alarm? how mnay people will do this and how long for? i gennerally hav to keep pressin it for an...
night out in liverpool does anyone kno of any good bars/clubs to go to as me and my mates are goin down there as a last minute thing and no one...
is anyone goin to creamfields? who is goin to creamfields?
Separate names with a comma.