have i missed a kick off?
because HE IS DAVE PEARCE. my nanna knows who dave pearce is for gods sakes...he's on the radio so no matter how huge we think van dyk and...
i can tolerate a bit of max graham....his mix of bullet's 'cried to dream' is amazin but on the whole i reckon prog is abit cack im not old...
so many people yet so little crack... ...has no one got anything interesting to say? im dying of boredom here!!:(
have u got nothing better to do?
wot? like a booby prize? hahaha:p :D :rolleyes:
it was all abit bland wernt it....not v.good :(
it was all a bit bland wern't it? tsk tsk at armin...who usually comes up with the goods!
everytime i look at your avatar dude i think its u rather than armin! :p
it was in deed the fire manic boro boys!! sparky bought it at the spar but wasnt the sticker! i think it could have been dave who got to...
im not defending urs from the rice paper this week!! u two are on ur own!;):p:D
sunrise is still running but i think its havin a name change... ...nicola who promotes and organises it was at mine at the weekend and she...
if he is put on a seperate nite though, its making out as though he deserves a special nite all of his own, and regardless of whether its on a...
was quite a good un mefinx! wudda been better if the maxers had stayed like!! u missed mozza at his finest on sat nite like...u would have...
alrighty maxers...how was ur weekend?
he's still got that fookin comb in his hand!! hahaha!! :D:D
SSNE failed cos it clashed with norf, got the poorer DJ's, and had trouble with the bouncers at Ikon. Also the music of sundiss back then was...
everyone keeps forgettin that promise is a business though and dave pearce will pull a crowd in and make promise alot of money! at gielen on...
unlike johnny i wouldnt mind seein dave pearce at promise it makes perfect sense...he plays trance/hard trance, is on radio 1, thus would pull...
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