last time i looked promise played a canny bit of progy music and sum people like tecno. also a few people here wonna c more hard house at...
that phone ruled the world sum1 was sayin u can buy it on the net sumwhere.
what does every 1 like most? just wounderin what the message board's fav type of music is
what came first the chicken or the egg mate? anotrher 1 to add to ya list:p
the hard trance that was played last week was quality. every1 i talked to thought it was an amazin nite if u didnt like it i herd the the boat...
im lookin for some1 to climb a few tree's for me. min wage of course ;)
climbing a tree or 2:D
yeah that chameleon phone was genius. i laughed for days after seein that. "red gold and green.... red gold and greeeeen :D
i thought every1 had forgot about my post - the takin over of gotham park. sounds like evry 1s in the mood for it now and smartE has started...
i did that as well angle doh my head's well done in
i can c it on next months flyer now ;)
there's alot of hate on this thread. im gettin frightend. :eek:
its ok. ive stopped cryin now:D with a bit of luck i'll b there representin. c u on fri
u went to the boat insted of lost vs vuzz! shame on u
im gutted i missed all the fun :( thanx for rubbin it in glitter angel :mad:
has to b mirage (of hope) by hemstock and jennings. u can get it on phaze one rcords
cant wait for fri now. last time i herd oo fleming he was amazin. well ready for it. c u all there
the hustle remember that 70's song - do the hustle? does any 1 know how to do the hustle? just woundering........:confused:
hardwick is a king. give him a crown.:D
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