video snatching how do you get video clips off you tube (or similar) to use them for mashups? I have a mac with iMovie
flag burning the government are considering making it illegal to burn the union jack. what do you think?
hic the thing is........... no matter how controlledc you are in the end how lovely is it ? fuck me I'm so bladderede hic ca you feel the...
Fame at last for Easington it's officially the whitest place in britain. Jimi have you considered moving there? :D
trident what do people think about buying new trident missiles? we are to be allowed a debate in parliament AFTER the decision to buy them has...
middle east,,1854637,00.html this just about sums up what I beleive about the middle east...
does Israel have 'a right to exist"? I have completely lost it with the Israelis now. What they are doing to lebanon is sheer bloody carnage....
necl is the necl forum still down or is it just my computer?
Lsd i suppose everyone will have seen this but if not its an interesting and factual non hysterical look at LSD....
deathdate find out when you will die. (well it helps to pass the time)
24 hour party people 24 hour party people just watched it on channel 4. top film like
anybody know about this?,3604,1665787,00.html
hannah wilde I think hannah wilde is probably the most scary dangerous sexy woman on thursday night.
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