why you should never...... why you should never post your photo on the internet!! http://www.smlinks.com/sotw/why/
weekend plans? whats everyone upto this weekend?
F.A.O jimmy arite mate, bored at work...... we need to liven this place up a bit.! any ideas.... just need some good craic goin since its friday!
somebody talk to me......... somebody, anybody..... am trolley'd..... quite sad actually having to demand attention.... ah well apologies in...
huddersfield??????!!!!!!! am currently in this place, totally weird.... drove down at 5:30 this morning to promote a club night.... everythin...
Too much! too much nastyness flyin around today.... people in town, people at work... whats goin on? its friday, the weather aint too bad.......
Good morning!!! Mornin people.. once again friday is upon us... and the weekend for most of us starts in 8 hours! anyone got any plans.... or...
Anyone bored? Any one at work, college or at home.......... check this game out............... its a bit shit but strangely addictive!...
F.A.O Ruth! hiya... sorry didn't reply to any of your replies last friday, wasn't bein ignorant but only ever get in the board while @ work! and...
Qfx Was cleaning out my loft last night and found a load of old CDs from back in the day... stuff like time frequency and altern8... but i found...
knights of the jaguar!!! need this record too!!! anyone got any knowledge!!! happy days.:D :D :D
groovezone----eisabaer! Been lookin for this record for ages! perfecto say its out of print.... anyone know where i can get it???...
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