musical simpsons!! get on my tits.... oh and i wish they'd kill off lisa... she does my nut! that is all!
Newcastles finances.... screwed.!!! click here... . scroll down and read.. newcastle look fucked to me, its killing me this like....
stop posting things twice!!! cazz... that means you!!!:lol: :lol: :lol:
Bring Your Husband To Heel! on bbc2 now...:o can you imagine if they done this but had wife instead of husband... idea: they get a dog trainer...
what happened too.....?? sorry been out of circulation for a while and don't know what happened, this questions for those who used to go on the...
board hostilities.... you can tell its sunday morning and most people are recovering from last night.... some propper hatred going on...
shindig member cards?? can we still use these to Q jump at digital???
players for newcastle fuckin sick now of all the pissin about and not getting anywhere. transfer window nearly closed, not getting anywhere,...
anyone fancy a pint? bored stupid, can't go to bed coz missus in a huff, goin accross the road for a bevvy... its the foxhunters pub, top of...
sunderland fans good luck this season. we bare you no ill will. your like our naughty little brother or the chicken hawk off of fog horn leg...
boa morte on way, coco comes back! 6m for boa morte apparently... and coco coming back coz inter said they will pay his 60,000 a week wages while...
rip off corner shops!! just been round the shop for bottle of lucozade, price on side of bottle says 69p....... price according to proprietor...
si quick what time you leave G's friday? i was hammered!
Tiesto @ olympic games! dunno if it's been posted already, but anyone know where i can get a copy of tiesto's set @ the olympic games opening...
new job on monday! tis my last day working for the evening chronicle today, start my new IT job and the lovely ministry on monday woo hoo!! crap...
tonight?? where's gonna be best in town for the match??? where's everyone goin??
rupert the bear why does rupert the bear wear yellow checked pants?? coz he's a twat!:lol: :lol:
newcastle becomes the ' hood ' !! have started seein many of the burberry hat, rockports with tracky bottom brigade walking around with one...
Mornin! mornin everyone, all had good weekends i hope. mine was fair, family bbq's etc. so another long week starts, booo! back at feckin work......
Dream jobs! What would everyone' dream job be.?? nothin too out there just somethin within the realms of possibility?
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