4 gig ram used to have 2 gig ram then bought another 2 gig of the same ram thinking it would fly... on closer inspection ive found that everyone...
internet connection anyone else stupid enough to get talk talk and are having problems with connections dropping out and really slow download...
lions for lambs not as good as i was hoping, the story is split 3 ways and is filmed more or less real time 24 style, acting was good but i was...
high waves anyone been down the coast today and seen the size of those waves? weve got a quite tall lighthouse down ourway and these waves are...
pointless gadgets...
Parking tickets got one in nottingham for parking the car outside a cafe for 5 minutes. the fellas ticket says he watcned it for 5 mins, so i...
Cs:s anyone still actually play this, dusted it off last night, still a canny game. also found a goldeneye mod :D:D:D proper takes ya back
england - rsa good match but were being robbed by an irish cunt and a blind aussie, mint try disallowed, cant fucking believe it
i hate it when.... people make threads without basic information on what its gonna contain, basically just so you click on it and the thread view...
argentina - france tee hee - having ya froggy cunts, hate the argies but glad they turned the french over like, especially with a decent score...
rendition seen better, could have been alot better, got the point accorss howver, bit of a twist near the end(aint much of a twist just a bit of...
Shrooms i jest thee not, i was in boldon cinema and a trailer came on for this, i was in hysterics. apparently it took a massive 7 weeks to shoot...
The Brave One quite a good film about a woman getting some payback, bit daft how she gets into those situations but its a good thought provoking...
Crysis beta ive got me hands on the mp beta for crysis, anyone else had a go of this bad lad? i'll do a little review after ive played it abit more
asian spellingses http://www.engrish.com/ stumbled upon this earlier and gave me a chuckle. the operating instructions and computers are quite...
24 im converted, 5 years ive went without seeing a full episode of 24, 5 empty years :( borrowed the box set off my mate and havent looked back,...
Michael Clayton went to see this tonight, was quite good but a bit slow in some areas, and it didnt really explain itself easily which i think...
electricians where did ya learn ya trades, and what qualifications have yas got that businesses require? im after doing a self learning coure or...
Medal of Honor: Airborne another class game ive just bought, cant get enough when it comes to medal of honor and call of duty. the gx have been...
1408 quite a good film, its not a gore fest or owt like that, its alot more psychological, its switches stance from horror to psychological...
Separate names with a comma.