...what sort?? pickled ones?? goose eggs?? how fantastic is that!! has he got eggs at his house>?? maybe we cud pop round and have an egg chill...
how fantastic....Lazard '4 oclock' on dance division
richard tulip.... ...what does richard do when he not at promise?? he must have a lot of spare time on his hands...doesnt seem like much of a...
..u cant beat a bit of oasis...being a manc like a good dose of OaSiS is part of your r.d.a of vitamins and minerals. ******third album kicks...
...for random ods and sods choonz....ebay.co.uk is quite good... people sellin off classix....orig binary finary etc etc
..cant believe all those classics have gone unsold!!!! its a cryin shame...!!!! the formative hh tunes goin for a song!!!! u gt me cz i wnt...
sunflake 'dream is alive', lee james 'tactics', ....a couple of A*S*Y*S choons...Bangaltier 'spinal scratch'.... DJ Kim 'jetlag' and a couple more...
...me mum always sed if u aint sumfink nice to say about n e 1 dnt say owt at all.........i rest my case
..if any people got dubble personalitlies/mental disorders they can register themselves twice and they can both come to the meet up. Dr Jekyl and...
is quincy on?? or columbo?? my personal sunday avo faves...
its murder for avin a wazz....ave to piss in th' bath, toilet, sink and out of window...damn gm food...GO ORGANIC
......fink promise is gunna have to start openin on sats too!!! wif the number of diff dj's people want on...!.! **hint hint**
.............how?????????? and why didnt u just fone me??? whats all this bowt smartE????????? when u comin ome?? theres heartbeat to be watched!!!!
i hope youre speaking hypothetically...otherwise i might have to try and get n kylie monogues guestlist!!!! ;)
.........so can half of promise.............d'oh
just go to the bar and ask for a vodka and coke.... i know its not as posh as having it in a little bottle but im sure you'll get over it...someday
my good god...who wud have thought that if you watched it for 5 minutes...mrs thatcher would get her tits out...nice one mate ace link....
wheres the ol' john kelly fing come from?? unless he was in disguise that is....dressed as an 8 foot tall stilt wearin devil guy with no arse to...
dont worry moo....im behind u on this...right behind you.... smartE might try and get me pocket money stopped if i misbehave. big swot. it...
Separate names with a comma.