That does look good! I may look into it!
I to prefer all black or all white cyber looks better than a mixture of brighter colours if you ask me!
I may look into it Only thing is though is the £££ of it all especially cyberdog and as I only want something plain its a shame to pay over the...
At the mo I'm in a very rural area known as Wensleydale (yes the name says it all) I'm in York when at college but willing to travle to get the...
I customise all my cyber and that's the idea again its just i want a change from the likes of cyberdog etc...
So if it's passed should I be a good little sheep and follow along and let it go to?
Online cyber clothing Other then Cyberdog, UVstalls and the recently departed extreambiofusion do you know of any other online stores that sell...
Re: Re: PvD @ CRASHER TICKET FOR SALE AT £15 Ok then. Could you meet me in the Howard at about 7:30?
PvD @ CRASHER TICKET FOR SALE AT £15 Face value With Booking Postage Fee Total £17.50 £19.50...
:lol: :lol: :lol: Thats amazing! HAHAHA!
Its not compulsory though, is it, surly not!
I did the gay test with a few housemates and found out that; I was 49% gay so not actually gay It gets worst It then told me that only 8%...
No but your name is Nat so I thought girl!
Good girl!
Indeed they are and what fantastic times they will be
I've heard of: April 26 Armin Only 8 hour May 4 GC vs Euphoria May 17 PvD 6 hour May 25 GC vs Judgement Sunday Two bank holiday...
Thats fantastic!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Many thanks people!
There are 329 People with the name James Munro. More people probably die poking spoons into the back of their PC's every year than there...
Any sites with good games on them Anyone know of any? thanks in advance!
Separate names with a comma.