I obviously missed paranoid, as I was speaking about steel!
It looks such a great place! http://www.scunthorpeuk.com/timeline.php?id=167&f=Scunthorpe So the export has always been dull, thick material?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hotels London As already mentioned, I've always mispelt them - sorry about that! Your closer to a cockney...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hotels London never could!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hotels London Does previously living in Leightonstone and Stretham not count then cockrot? Figures your a cockney tho!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Hotels London before it was made up of lots of 'city centres' I guess. London City is actually only W1's square mile,...
Re: Re: Hotels London 'Town' centres! ..... japseye
I came back from Dam yesterday. I stayed at the Arena Hotel. Canny place, not bad prices, but rooms are poop and its next to the zoo, so not very...
Re: been on hold Were you calling NHS direct or your GP practice?
:D Deepfreeze handbook oneonone Alexander = Toolio, the great Prawn Stacker of the Jarra Hemisphere
Great Post :P Fray Bentos dude, they keep on the shelf for years :D Students saviour!
Thats out of order! :fart:
Fo hijacking a good thread with your virtual bummiung gents! Lue you description of your fringe creased me! I'de have to say bumping into...
Birds and Bees you huckle, you cant get pregnant from bumming another bloke!?
Been on and off all day at Southwick, mackamland! Was touch and go driving to work! drove round a corner and got overtaken by my boot!...
I dont mind her saying info about her pregnancy, and rather like her scan image in her avatar, so fuck you back - you bandwagon bellend!
Fat fucka! Free bag of flour and a road map with every bonk!
At least he didnt bomb, dive or spit!
I had thought of that, and that is exactly why I called the bafoon it! Think about it!
Go and stack your shelves you sex starved flid!
Separate names with a comma.