Fizz - YOU PERV !
OK, if the airline lost the records - fair enough. Nothing against Kerry personally, but her style is just not my cup of tea, thats all....
Yeah, but HOW POOR is that? Turning up without your own records?? I know most peeps rave on about Kerry, but she's never been my cup of tea,...
Anyone for the FIELDS? Anyone doing the Fields in Scouse-land next Sat? Or am I TOTALLY Billy again ??
Eh? What are you implying???
Erm..... It wasnt you by any chance, was it Si? Come on, dont lie about your age! ;)
Just check the profile, man! You can put MSN addresses on there now ! :D
Best quotes : errr.. dude...... he's not kicking his arse....... he's definitely doing SOMETHING to his arse, but he's not kicking it.............
Yeah, its not like a "what you listening to right now" thread has NEVER EVER been done before, is it??
I'm listening to the amazing silence which is the result of being home on my own on a Saturday night ! :( :( :(
could be worse..... could be on a night out in Birtle ! :p
In, at home. Being Billy (as in no mates) Depressin, aint it?
This thread is proof enough that I should be out on a Saturday night ! :D
Sad, very Sad This is a VERY SAD SITUATION Saturday night, 8.50pm and I'm totally BILLY (as in the no-mates variety) Whats even worse is...
YEAH, and I *STILL* havent found out how much this little jolly is gonna cost me if I go.... !
Sorry mate, cant! I hear the big CF calling me for next week..... Even though Kay *is* out, I've had to be a let-down this week, sorry. Got...
The build up usually starts monday morning around 10am :D :D :D
Yeah but NO ONE has EVER been killed from falling out of a plane......... Its hitting the ground that usually does it ! :D
Fook me if I know ! :spangled:
Separate names with a comma.