awww yeh i am!:) :) im perfectly normal!!!:D :D :D (i think);) :confused: :p
lmfao! HELL YEAH!:lol: :lol: :lol: ;)
defo stick with vinyl decks!:D :D
all i remember was being in hospital and being really drowsy, i was suffering ear bleeds, was horrible and terrifiying!:cry:
i had a brain hemor....Haemorrhage(duncans spelling of it):confused: when i was two
wicked! might go to this!:D ;)
not bad not bad! sounda cool to me! :D
heyloooo!:D :D
lol we is all friendly on here!
heyloo and welcome!:D :D ;)
:o :o :o thats bad shit like si and mark!
wot happens u got me freaked out now? is it scary?:confused:
Exhibitionist movie! You'd get off on letting ANYONE and EVERYONE watch you have sex...even small children, you sick sonofabitch! Kinky is your...
i ave had 28 piercings altogether now but sum ave closed up! only ave 14 out of the 28 that i use! :D :D ;)
Re: Re: Re: Dj Competition at Sunday Trading no tis the ppl who decide who wins their aint any judges
ken i thought their was no judges in this comp, after all it's the ppl who decide?!
Re: Good Luck lmfao! nice one fitzy!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: he aint playing today but fizz and ben (steves mate) are playing so get ya...
hmmm might aswell have been born with the name liljem everyone calls me it! full name:LIL JEM:D ;)
just found out that gav aint sure who's plaing now!:confused: :confused:
happy birthday!:D :D
Separate names with a comma.