We walked in Judgement Day Jimi turned to me and went am going back to Detox after 5 mins look after me brother, lost him 10 mins later upstairs,...
Are you sure it isn't another of your alter ego's to have someone to argue with Melt? Got to be worth a tenner that answer
Was class last night like, a bit dark upstairs, struggled to see people but class music, am sure with it being that busy there will be a next time
Missed them and Yoji, lost track of time in Judgement Day, Kutski was class like, some proper anthems, you got any sets of Ephilis or whatever and...
I will catch you and your brother in Judgment Day and maybe beforehand, will be good to catch up with him and find out loads of shit about you to...
Nah, its Old Skool main room and Gabba upstairs as far a I know, think thats what Smurf has planned. Am gonna do Detox 9-11, then Judgement Day...
Not long now, looking forward to this, aint seen Yoji since on the boat one new year a think
No, as I didn't know it was on and you never told me / asked me, hope you have a god night tho. You fancy the cooperidge Thursday night for...
This is on tonight for anyone unsure of what to do, Marco was here just recently at evolve, admittedly played a good set but last Cause and effect...
Sound design - Happiness
Ha ha you donkey, a bet sticking all them on hurt your wrist more than after the first time you saw claire from steps
Jimmi its not how crazy you are its who you know, doubt a will get in free but can only try mate, av put in the hours of clubbing with them over...
Nah mate, got to do both, Yoji is qulaity but also want to go support Judgement Day, it will be sorted to do both, a will speak to Melt and Smurf
Nice one mate, will catc up beforehand and sort it out, def up for Yoji, you going to Kiddstock or not? Off to Ibiza the Monday after, my annual...
Has the full line up been posted yet and where can a get tickets from, probs not go myself unless Melt can do me a deal for half a night cos it...
Same here mate, already doing Detox then Judgement Day but these are probs both starting the same time, only wanna see Marco V at evolve so my...
it is dick wad cos a know the people that run this and a couple of my mates are djing and would like to go but not sure if the wife will be ok...
Cosmic Ballroom is just as expensive for drinks, a don't know what to do though cos a fancy this and Marco V
Aye you need to get tickets,they shut all the doors and really cant hear much outside when I was there last year. Probably be the same or...
Aye, a think Mad Emma is Djing again aswell, Curry night at Wetherspoons first. But aye get Detox line up posted, also when will flyers be oot?...
Separate names with a comma.