I didn't see that story. I was using my "tail" on a girl and my finger on a boy. Must admit I aint ever been in that situation before.
Anybody as big as Andre (the giant, not Peter) tend to live a shortened life due to the strain on the heart. Wrestler or not.
Divint be winding Van the Man up mind. He's probably had nowt since, erm.... 10 minutes ago........ in the stationary cupboard!!
You doin' the gym tonight, Tubby??
Sorry mate. I'm not implying that you actually LIKE wrestling or owt. Only 8 more days to go.
Anyway, what's with the * after your name? Tosser!!:D
I was waiting for the informatives from MOS. Thought you were going to let the wrestling posts to go without comment. But NO, you must have been...
Well if this isn't Revel........
V Poor
Nar, he means the one where that bloke, who looks not disimilar to Nick Camen, strips to his kecks to wash his jeans in a launderette and sits to...
One of those gadgets that gets used once (for a laugh) then go straight in a cupboard, along with the breadmaker, wafflemaker, fondue set and...
Is that why he's so, erm.... narrow?!
Divint be putting words in my mouth. I don't even know you.
Thought you'd started to melt a bit there but....... Nope.
Separate names with a comma.