arnt message boards there for discussions and intelligent arguements? yeah but the same arguements again and again get a boring!!!
fao mr revel uve got them damn boobs as ure avatar bladeclubber had them on the GC board and i just couldnt help but watch them jiggle :(
my club is better then ures how boring does this get!!!!!!:mad: people like places for different reasons get over it!! i love GC ive had...
unfortunally not :(
did ne one go to GC London?? i did it was a wikid night!! bit to rammed and a bit hot but def go again :D not out now until promise for matt...
other msg boards what other boards u on and what users names do u have on them?? im on here, gurn and GC board and im tinkerbell on them all :)
thats my plan!!! :D
[IMG] a drunken me with good old apple VK :D
ahh i 4got about that!!! :o has rache got her stalking shoes ready for tomorrow lol
im really looking forward to heaven but im kinda undecided if im gutted bout missing gods!! lol just wait until u get lamvino down u, u will...
the internet, fags (of the benson and hedges variety) but i am trying to stop!!
hiya chris!!!! woohooo u all prepared for tomorrows activities??
....was well weird avin 3 lads burst in ur room and just ask for the stuff!!! all a little bit strange! :p [/B] sounds like fun to me ;) :p
near bramall lane
where abouts in sheffield do you live?
double deckers
aqua aquariam :cry:
where you all form then?? im at uni in sheffield but originally from cumbria! hows about you??:confused:
:love: take that :love:
gay peoples gaydars are brilliant they cant tell another gay from miles off!! :lol:
Separate names with a comma.