happy birthday xxx
i'll be doin mines after ny im skinto at the mo lol just abuot to start my manouvers so im prob a fair bit off even thinking about my test just now
hee hee nice one chick well hope all goes well when u sit the pratical :D
nope i've been a good girlie :angel2:
congrats hun, i still need to put in for mines actually :) hows ur driving coming along?
im on my computer all the time and im not ashamed to say it. If the folk i kick about with lived closer to me then i'd be off out to see them...
usually im a bore and just want to chill out in peace and quiet, usually lie in the dark with my lava lamp on
long time no speak hun, how ya doin??? :)
friday - quiet night in with one of my mates saturday - nowt sunday - nowt think i just need a wkend to myself to chill out and catch...
not been to many nights at promise but from the ones i've been to that was by far the best one yet :D
should try download a few of his sets i have one from him playing in sydney and it sounds fab, been wanting to see him dj for about 2 yrs now
has to be done lol my mates playing on the boat on nyd so i have to head down to give him my support :)
off to inside out at the arches, then heading down to the boat :)
aww she's well cute:D i love wee puppies they're so comical!
good luck babes i hope all goes well!!!! be sure to keep in touch and let us know how ur gettin on :) And anytime ur back u better get a...
I had a fantastic night really enjoyed it best promise i've been to, quieter than i thought it was gonna be but it was good cause we had loadsa...
still waiting on my mate picking me u ARGH!!!!
im 22
heather i am totally terrified of needles but i have 3 tattoos u gotta make sure u really like the designs tho before u go getting them done...
god i feel like i have aaaaaages left before i can leave!!!!!
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