Nah I listen to Hardcore and Speedcore and rarely stay up past 1 day :) My work comes first, my weekend second ;)
Probably like, get into london between 6-7 loaded from an all night trip down, can't really see sight seeing being top on the list like :)
Unfortunatly not, but at 25 I am hardly a youngun just a late starter. You know uni and a career before all this :)
Ah cool, will see what my mate wants to do the day of the Rage gig, sight see or party hard for the full 20 odd hours were in london with no sleep :D
Will this be a regular weekly event or just one offs? In london on the 6th of june from 6am so could be a good place to start the day :D
I've seen stuff about groups of people caning it watching friends choke on their own sick as they couldnt move off it. Kinda short time to...
June 11th might be a shock for you like :D
Distorted vs Twisted and Brainfire - 11th June - Cosmic Ballroom Right, It's that time again for Distorted to shake the very core of...
Yet it hasn't been jumped on by the media bandwagon as much as E in the 90's or Drone now.
A week after the two young lads died and the toxicology report hasn't been released, iirc it only takes two days to produce.
When did Ket ever have the same media presence as Drone tho? Hell they've even ignored M1, Butylone , MDPV when talking about Drone. If they...
Spoil sport
Yeah, some brain cells or maybe a clue?
Maybe dishwasher tablets and calgon?
Just asking
You blonde?
Price goes up, mixed with other stuff, purity goes down, people get pissed off with taking shit, move on to what ever else is good at the time, be...
You installed the correct drivers?
I actually wonder the cost of this to google, their next step is kinda freaky, live webcam views on street view.
Separate names with a comma.