Trance Anthems MP3 Does anyone think the Trance Anthems Night set, or part of would make make a good addition to the Promise MP3's list? I...
Jose Amnesia - The Eternal
What about Pills In Their Eyes, where each week contestants have to put a pill in their eye an see who can go the most raj!
Wicked idea! Let's hope it catches on. I'll try to upload some tunes tomorrow at work. Cheers!
Jose Amnesia - The Eternal Chicane - Autumn Tactics Heavens Cry - 'Till Tears Do Us Part (Flash Harry Remix) Any of the above would go down a...
You can mix on your computer using pcdj. pcdj red is the best version, and you could download that from morpheus a while back. However you...
I went on Sunday and thought it was absoloutley f**kin class. I didn't see any trouble all night and as far as the DJ's went: Ferrys warm up...
I personally would like to thank this girl for sending Fizz home early. It meant that when I turned up at Ness's house an hour early, after...
F'n get the F in. Couldn't have asked for a better lineup. Loads class DJ's I've seen before, and a couple I've wanted to see for ages....
No problem! Have you got the new one yet? It's fookin (wish I could think of a better way to put that word) class! :D
Sorry to hear that man. The last hour was fookin quality from what I can remember of it :confused: . Bring on more late nights. Are you up...
What time did you leave, like?
What was that? Do you mean Skydive?
I'm pickin it up on Thursday! But is it better than Journeys?
What are you doing up at this time Ted? Shouldn't you be in bed by now!:confused:
I have two favourite words, but one of them is kind of two words. 1. Get In / Geddin 2. Bam (Cheers for that one Spooky!)
1. Charvers 2. Losing/breaking things on spangled nights out. 3. People with dangerous Spikey collars. (Someone scratched my arm with...
best set ? Scott Bond best dj ? Scott Bond best dj debut ? Scott Bond best superstar dj ? Mauro Picotto best resident ? Richard Tulip fave...
I dance cyber 247! I even done it in Baja to "Time of my life" and "ABC" once. The Ppl seemed quite impressed until my hands started spinning...
Separate names with a comma.