Nope nope i was'nt in promise either... i was jumping around like a looney in ikon....coz i had free tickets to get in...for me birthday..........
fudge truffeler any chance....LMFAO.... Narh man only joshin ya but i cud'nt help myself.......
hmmmmmmmmm interesting thought.....wounder if they can pick up human traits aswell.......hmmmmm i wonder ...i wonder...
Is it no brain..... got 3 neighbours....which 2 of them are nuts....1 is a arsehole all with a bestfriend which in the end turns...
would'nt narh like with u being a bender and all... U and demolecles cud be bumb chums........LMAO!!! Actually i'll take that back...hee...
defo's arse licking from me like Si.... well said mate...i totally agree :D
so glad you find it i have a terrible habit of quoting posts with my opinion...with out reading all the other posts there...
well thats why i only quoted this arse..oh well no still arse licker....
My points exactly as i read over Marks thread......and exactly why i'll join in at this later date ...irrelevant as it may be....
u arse licker.......( LMFTO...the little ones i've got but i'm laughing)
Arrrrhhhh bless ya...:angel: :p :angel: :p :)
:evil: :mad: :evil: :mad: :evil: but at the same time=:D
well i'd like to bring my big brother my brother is totally mint...but i don't think he'd wanna cum as he'd probly have erges to punch at...
Thats lush darlin....;) :angel: ;) :angel:
Mint signiture this one ...... 4 what it means... 'living ur dreams' u might need a 'dream catcher' tho if thats true..!!!!! My signiture was...
Re: 4 more days to go... I cant wait!! Happy Birthday for tomorrow aswell Doggie. Can't wait to see u in promise..... 'u look well wkd in...
aaarrrhhh red fawn thats a nice colour... wud love to see a picture have you got a scanner and...... Prada thats a wkd name....designer name...
Raven is the best name i've heard so far.... and at last a new charva on the board for is exactly WARRA BELTA.... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D...
Separate names with a comma.