i was only concratulating nu castle on a game of football........boys now now........... after all its only a game...!!!!!...... Nu castle are...
i know......stop it makkem skum!!!!!!!!!!!!! only joshin with ya Dc HH........ ur lush really
did'nt even correct me sel then.......LMFAO!! HOWHERE MAN....chriss fee...feebal lov'in me fullstops aswell...............................
i dunno!! ........ i just like it .....................thanks.........he he PISS TAKER.... taking the piss by correcting me would have been...
wooooooppssssss......i've been totally daft....em no my style is wrong.......tryed to be like yeah...football.....woohoo ahem... what i meant...
definatley..have to wait and see... 90% of the match was nu-castle on attack like.... near the end quatre of the match...nu castle were really...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What a result!!!!!! a naaarrhhhh ...wanna scrap like glitter!!!!! i'll just knee u... in the kidney.....!!! (poor...
when i read over me thread i sound like a right cheeky charva....... (WAHEY)!!!!!
makes me wanna do summer saults like DYER.... KIERIEN...DYER.....
eeeeemmmmm a blue coloured strip team........ eeemmmmm jel---jhgfksjhkshgskjhgskjh---car
What a result!!!!!! TOON ARRRRRRRRRRMMMMMYYYYY....TOON ARRRRMMMMMYYY.. Wahey...........NEWCASTLE...... what a result...........:love:...
i know i shud'nt tease but it would be really bitchy of is....:p and i'm really such an :angel:
SmartE.... but its nice camp and not to much....Ade's only camp occationally..... but 1 person does come to mind who is definatly camp in his ways...
hhhmmm i wonder too....:confused: :D :confused:
nicest looking boys..............Disco-Stu, Daniel, Doggie and a few other sexy males but don't wanna mention there names as i hate big headed...
would'nt mind seeking you out the next time i'm in promise! :) :p ;)
listening to the sound of the computer being on and me brother kicking off with is having all the lights on in the house. The winge :monkey:
canny bored like......staying in on a saturday is shite..... cud still go out but gotta walk there and can't really be arsed.... also wanna...
piss tking little bast**d.......LMAO.....honestly at godskitchen....i though it was a belta coinsidence me..:o :D :o definate eye opener that...
Separate names with a comma.