Bloody hell!!! WHITLEY BAY HAS A CLUB WHICH AINT PLAYING CHEESY BULLS***?!?!?! I used to be a cheesemonger down there a few years back and I...
I DON'T GO. That's exactly the fucking problem. Maybe I'm just too fucking picky for my own good - there's just too much shite being tolerated...
Ever heard of irony??!?!?!? :D not that I'm anti drugs or anything (That would be a tad hypocritical I think) - I just don't wanna be fucking...
1. Shindig, Always....blah blah blah blah.... Clubs in Manchester are REALLY anal about stuff like that (except for Sankey's). 2. So do I,...
No contest. Muff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But only if sex is a definite. Always obey the prime directive :D Pro-creation is the only way the...
Aye. All nine inches of it. Oh, you live in Heaton. that'll explain a lot then ....
Oh dear. You not got motor insurance like? :( I had my MD walkman nicked out of my car once - it was covered by my house insurance (!!) -...
See folks, that's just it. YOU think there's more to clubbing than Ikon etc. But a lot of people couldn't give a damn. All the clubs playing...
HAVE A LISTEN TO THESE!!! What about THIS???? AND THIS.....? Realplayer required to listen The original Zippy saying "one skin, two...
911 is also the name of a once-famous 'boy band' who, thinking about it, were probably as hell bent on world domination as Bush is :D :D Maybe...
Thats cos you call us all Dorris!! :lol:
Go to START 'Search' or 'Find'.... Enter the following in the 'find files or folders' box *.jpg, *.gif, *.bmp, *.art, *.img Select all...
I'll probably stop going clubbing when all dance music sounds as shite as the stuff Dave Pearce & Galaxy play. AS IF THAT'S EVER GONNA HAPPEN...
8 ounces worth of terbs would be quite a lot ;-) That's terbs for smerkin btw. But then they're probably cheap as f. in India innit. 8 ounces...
I saw some charvs in HMV on Saturday eyeing up all the CDs on the Scooter stand "awwww look man how man... all these are fuckin belta" Ever an...
And radio.... I was thinking more along the lines of starting a movement to develop a gene therapy to breed some taste into the public @...
What TF is going on? Come on people - we have got to act NOW. I was browsing in HMV today (sod all to buy in there these days) and I realised...
"Do you BUNGLE take this woman DORIS to be your lawful wedded wife? And do you DORIS take this man BUNGLE......" (etc) FUR REAL !! ROFL...
Err.. aye - whatever :cool: My show didn't go out last night for some reason. They use an automated playout system to put my show on - and it...
Ozone Radio are based in Hull. I went down to meet tha crew last weekend and found them to be pretty cool indeed :-) FYI Ozone Radio is also...
Separate names with a comma.