Coming home on the metro yesterday a got talking to this old granny, she was well clued up about DJ's, fk me man a was laughing me tits off she...
:mad: :mad: :mad: VS :monkey: :monkey: :monkey:
dont really know. Me n me Da jus' like fighting the pakies...
Jo v the lot of yas, am massive!
Re: Potential Riot/Demo march this Saturday If the police allow the above march to go ahead I am sure the Anti-Nazi league & other left wing...
I agree its FUCKING WANK up here
Their are defo not enough HH lovers in Newcastle, in a way I think mark has done the best thing, think about how much money is being spent on...
say it like it is... lie ins are the best, especially when theres a naked lad lieing next to ya :)
would have been finishing at 5 but i was well late for work this morning have to make the time up bastards!!!
39 Minutes to go! 39 minutes left till the partying begins who else is getting totally wankered this weekend apart from me!
:lol: :lol: :lol: em well if thats wot u call it
Id give them all a run for their money!
I loved the playrooms! class venue am defo wif ya on that 1
Shame! the lasses down there are canny rank like. have u ever been to cafe insane thats a good little warm up pub!
Base on a wednesday nite is feckin class! ur sooo lucky being down there... wish i was
ha im not that bad.. unless av had a drink, do u do much clubbing in leads.
whys that then?
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