r rite. suppose we will just hav to wait and see what happens then. i hope there is another tidy weekender like. the last one was mint.
i think i might pop down to distorted on thursday like. defo gonna be there for the promo one :D
r rite. so what was the crack then with the big announcement down at tidy? so they made announcement before the deal had went thru and its...
thats shit that like. fuckin gutted :( how come they arent doin it. do you know if there gonna do another one or is that it for tidy weekenders?
dj promo in newcastle on a thursday night. :lol: will be fuckin unreal that like.
spot on :D i think emma and steph are game aswell. i wil hav tp be doin this on a budget tho seen as the month after is trance energy and tidy...
congratulations mate. if i can get some money together a might try and come down
i had a mint weekend. elements vs detox was canny good. bit shit how the closed the detox room early. saturday i went down to manchester for...
get yaself down to birmingham NEC. theres a few hard dance and hardcore arenas.
jason mansford should be good. he's mint on 8 out of 10 cats. al see ya on friday mate. you goin anywhere for a pint before hand?
what a nice way to celebrate valentines day :D a might try and get to this
think i might be goin to birmingham for new year.
happy birthday mate.
should hopefully be gettin mine payed soon as i think my mam is paying for mine for x-mas :D lol
i think i might pop along wit ya mate. been a while since av seen anne savage :D
good to see neal thomas gettin himself about again. havent seen him in long time.
nimos will absolutly tear the place apart lol. he plays some proper naughty hard as nails stuff. just the way i like it :D am gutted am gonna...
dont think i can make this. gutted seen as i love the cosmic ballroom and the line ups in both rooms are mint. but its goodgreefs 8th birthday the...
nah not really. i hav done gatecrasher on boxin day for the past few years. so i wanna keep up the tradition :D last year it was just me and...
i dont think you can claim back anythin at the moment. i think everythin is still on hold at the moment. cos altho the courtcase ruled in the...
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