really good fun party night. Well done Meltonius. More like this please
what a set of twats. well done for being able to sort it Melt. Is it on a boat now then?
bath ha must be like anti- toon
ha ha good luck with his search.He needs the love of a good man.
bukake ruined my carpet
yes It didn't happen for me. Sounded like he was just going through the motions
all in good time oh fount of all knowledge :wink:
melt introduce me to rigsby and dennis. obv kindred spirits
I'm so looking forward to this. 16 of us. people who aint been out inyears. yay \0/
the gallery has some nice pictures
an iconic image. right there. it's the way he telt them
well that's true but it's the overkill (so to speak) of the media coverage for this that gets on my wick. They were not all 'heroes' they were...
I wish we would stop letting the Americans stick their dicks in our ass. They have made us the laughing stock of the world. I'm sorry for the...
Hidden is the wrong word. Unrecognised is better. At least now if you ask people they will at least have heard of the Murdochs. Before if you...
quite. The Murdoch empire has polluted the UK for years now and held politicians to ransom. Phone hacking doesn't seem so bad to me, the...
sorry not to make that sounds like it will be a bounce. Don't forget me phone number!
never heard that before. sort of sums it up.
never try to go back. going forward is better for you
Separate names with a comma.