He should be better at hedders when he is bald.
The thing I want know is why do we have to ignore this?
:o I gunna play with my twanger
I might be mine did I left a copy next to this magazine [IMG]
[IMG] Sorry but I think I can see your knikers
You will allways remember Bungle
Sorry but I just cant ignore it:o
Alan Shearer in 2 or 3 years This is what Shearer will look like in 2 or 3 years what do you think? [IMG] [IMG]
any time
yep jus telt me so i thought id have a look in like. alreet ya knawws geet masive like ya knwas how man.
dont think i do know u
Use www.geocities.com . You will have to rename your files instead of them being .jpg or another image file rename them .txt . This is because...
Do I know U aswell
Eminem goes for a curry. If you are using Kazza download this tune its class http://www.sonicjam.org/dabox/trackinfo.php?show=625 There are...
Oh if anyone is planing to go to the Trades tape an old kipper to your nose it will smell better than the unbeliveble stench of stale beer.:eek:
there are loads of charvers at http://www.geocities.com/akleisure/Peeps.html
Ped crossing [IMG]
The bastards that did this want stringing up.
Separate names with a comma.