Tramp o'claus :lol: :lol:
u want a soapy tit wank from santa?? :o :lol: well he's a big bloke, im sure he's got a canny pair of man boobs
did they make that on E-jay? :D
whats the crack with newsgroups? how do you access them?
mates are going over for new year, lucky ****s i'll try and find out where there staying
:lol: :lol: so is that spud in the gimp suit ? :D
exactly! there already starting to get on my tits then u find out that some are alcoholic wife beaters who arnt allowed to see there kids for...
they need to sort this out and get him signed as soon as poss. dont they relise its gonna cost them far more than what he wants, to be able to...
:lol: Tulip looks like hes got that "guess where my hand is" cheeky grin
Brutus 'the Barber' Beefcake, untill he got a metal plate in his head! [IMG] :lol: pay a subscription of $2 and get a month of downloading em from a fast server and no fucking cues to wait in :up:
probs gonna watch this, really want williams to win but i have no confidence in him at all
really, tune would be devastating if it was faster! if its only on +1, pitching it up may do the job
:lol: Alls fair in love and vinyl selling :p like the sound of the umek mix... but is it really that slow?
was that before they were called the dust brothers and had to change there name?
Re: Re: Re: Murder Was The Bass Remixes the samples dont work! well they dont for me anyway
got a copy somewhere i think, will have a look tonight and see if not expect a pm :D
thats what it will be, the PC im using only has a bundle version on
Re: Re: AVI to DVD that didnt work, just said it was wrong file type. Dodgy might be right about needing a plugin im trying it using that...
cheers phil wasnt sure if it would work just putting it in that folder, i'll give it ago and see
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