I would say the team is better than last year it got cohesion now too fair standard wingers a very good left back, premiership class goal keeper....
So happy i went to glade and didnt Dj for him at the cream gig, or get involved with hiring him the soundsystem. As soon as he started talking to...
10/04/2010 Citric Acid Vs Drop The Bass@The Kings manor Due to our day trip to London being cancelled we thought we would bring a bit of the...
Its a really strange chemical and made in china not really a mark of quality. Fuck taking anything like Meth speed is bad enough. Just get...
Seems to have loads of different side effects on different poeple makes my throat glands hurt and swolen the couple of times i did more that 1/4...
Yeah i know the govt sacks anyone who wants have a sensible debate on the subject. Interesting on cambodia being the many supplier of the the...
Yeah its tested and has killed a lot less poeple. Educate poeple about its effects and the potential dangers its a pretty safe substance. If you...
I agree with so much of what you are saying there, as ciggies feel toxic are toxic yet we stlll kill ourselves with them. Harm reduction is the...
I was joking but close enough. Its all about balence and moderation.
Good mix the disco influence was unexpected.
Yeah thats how we all started next you will be listerning to gabber and hardstyle and staying up for 3 days on drugs with 2 in the title or are...
Should be, there will be some techno upstairs but not minimal or boring squat either.
The point i was making was the 'old Alchol and Drugs death story' is old hat for the media unless its a Cleb or really young person,also it...
It been in the media a bit, but its illegal and also used alot in medical percedures Also it take a lot longer to knack yourself so not a big a...
I agree a lot poeple who did not have the connections to get decent gear or buy in bulk can with m-cat plus not so much social stigma as it legal/...
Ket is addictive quite a lot of horror storys in bristol now of poeple having to have there bladder reconstructed. Poeple taking up 3 grams a day...
Its sunderland its posted by some one called NicolaTeexx. Shake n Vac seems like a name from nathern barley/Chris Morris at no pint did nicola...
Wft Why would they, sunderland is beyond help if you ask me. Sniffing shake n vac what's next necking dog worming tablets. :facepalm:
And poeple you know sniff it to try and get wasted
But bought it to try and get high off of it,thinking it would get you wasted.
Separate names with a comma.