nope at the balliol call centre at 4 lane ends y do u work there?
gud luck wit the new job i jyst had an interview on wed and am waiting to hear its only working for bt broadband but its got to b better than...
my score was 560!! :D
not at the mo i dnt have a scanner so unless theres ne of me from promise i cudnt tell u!!
whose been sayin that like? were just friends
how is it?
bugger off jimmy im not like that nemore!!! :mad:
well how am i sposed to answer that? if i say yes then i sound big headed and if i say no then i sound like im a dog!! :o
cheers hun :D
i dont kno ive been told i am by some guys but it depends every1 has different tastes dont they i dont ususally hav trouble pulling if i want to...
never thought bout that i spose the problem is i hardly kno ne1 on here at the mo but go to promise all the time and am goin to cometogether so...
i am i mean y not lifes to short to regret nething and i cant help it if i hav a high sex drive i always hav its just frustrating at the mo coz i...
oh i was and still am sensible getting checked out and using precautions always :D but in my hometown of berwick they all slag me off coz of...
when i was in first year uni i did but iv grown up now and the last thing i want is kids!! im well safe wenever i do my problem was i was addicted...
well u kno it had to be done :p i have to say my mates were well proud of me too at the time they were gutted they hadnt thought of doin it...
its easier shagging three bblokes in one day!! :) but thats not the shadiest thing iv done there was this bloke when i was in first year uni...
wots wrong with him havin a friend like thats kinda harsh!!!
yep sure does younger bro well he was definitely ther at promise!! :confused:
ive hardly met ne1 coz im usually 2 busy dancing my arse off at the front of the dancefloor but 4 ne1 i have spoken 2 i havnt a clue!! :spangled:...
nice one i love promise nites and havent missed one since november and theres nowhere else worth going to on a friday nite once uve been spoiled...
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