and tell me dear which ally would accomidate you? You'd block up northumberland street nevermind a bloody alley!
sorry hun there aint room in my bed for the both of us. infact there aint room in any bed for a lard arse like urself :D
I've been a proud member of yahoo chat for yonks, of course I have :lol: :p j
:o :o :o :o After that little rant i'm not so sure if I like u mista! :p
<looks @ sleazy with puppy dog eyes> <slides up next to mr sleazey> <starts to caress and stroke his leg> eeee mista fancy a quicky <unzips...
story of ur life eh :D I wish I'd saved the rest of the convo I just copy and pasted it. he got much cruder :D
shush I'm trying to fit in ;) :p
I hate LuLu - she looks like the satanic spawn of pippy longstocking and paemla anderson (Well her drawing does) I hate amyblah - she thinks...
ha ha very funny grow up
so a call center worker?
FAO any1 that knows madchris can u pm me his number. he gavce me it last ngiht but I lost it need to ring him about tonight :D thankie...
hehe I'm certainly not argueing with that!
really is that just like nobody found me attractive they were just "humouring" me :rolleyes: face it fatty I've been here 3 days and I'm making...
coincidence or not you decide: those that don't find me funny are the butt of my jokes. hrrrrmmmm amyblah u have no right to be vain. I do...
For one cos I'm going to knock that lopsided smile off ya face ya ugly mare :D batfink are u blind as well as fat? I have no fringe you fucking...
batfink how are yee ganna fit through the fucking door u skirt wearing hippo! I'm ded ded ded excited about tonight :D
are u big boned ;)
hehe too true. next time u try to offend a hetrosexual girl - think :D
downloaded it 'mr revel
its got puff daddy in it so I like it
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