i certainly am
which legal firm you at? i know someone at dickinson dees and another place but i can't remeber what it's called, hmm... i'm about to restart...
Re: Gym good effort mate, i've been going properly since the start of july and feel mint for it. just keep it up, it's defo worth it :)
Re: New Tune will have a listen in a mo mate, just sifting through my new vinyls :) added you to msn too!
i haven't been to one yet this year as i haven't fancied the lineups, will be going for askew no doubt though :) only missed a couple last year
on topic.... fl6 is soon to be released: Features: - A New and Improved Mixer - Sustain - Multiple MIDI in's - Fruity Browser "Search"...
bring on oct 23rd ;)
i'm intrigued to hear a hannahwild solo production
personally... i wouldn't really say 2 years old is a classic Fire & Ice - Silent Cry would have to be mine, had magik 6 on in the car and,...
vaz is badboy like, quality leads and meaty acids
well... you did say: so it's not even a quantifiable opinion or argument as; a, you haven't used it and b, there is a series of many...
pretty impressive discography from a "lame" sequencer http://www.discogs.com/artist/Cosmic+Gate i'd still quite happily play their remix of...
a short list of pro trance producers that use or have used fl for production: shokk/flutlicht cosmicman/sundawner/matti laamanen...
what's wrong with mr west lol?
well it certainly has done me no wrong or a string of other producers, you probably even play their records... dark by design, guyver, alf bamford...
i'd argue it's quite a nifty program :p
it's definately not lame ;) that is, unless you can't use it...
arnison centre ?
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