Stop it! All of you. Every wrecked bloke knows that every lass wants it......... right now..............hard.:)
Nah, it's cos I'm so damned generous and I don't want anybody missing out on a bit o Laz. :D
You really can't expect me to choose. I'm a nightmare once it gets to summer. I kinda end up putting little effort into lots of lasses usually...
Aye, get yourself a proper account and use Outlook. That way you can filter genuine mail into subfolders and junk the rest.
Can't believe the patter on there like. People playing the honest citizen. If that kind of offer came along I'd reckon at least half of people...
I wish some folk would go get a sense of humour.
A different north east team to Middlesbrough. It's mighty brave of you to face facts and I heartily agree. :)
I aint whinging mate. Just reckon it's bizarre to have 2 class goals AND 2 comical blunders. As for their shot off the post, don't tell me you...
Indeed. When do your boys play Chelsea then?? Oh yes, they don't.:) At least they'll get a taste of (former) Prem opposition when you see...
If it's just DVD Ripping, then 'DVD Decrypter'. I combine this with 'DVD2One' to, erm.... backup my original DVDs. :D
What a fucking game. Best atmos in SJP for ages. Two class goals. How the fuck did Shearer miss that 6yd sitter? How the fuck did Robert fall over...
I've got a SNES emulator for my PS2. I've been playing Mario Kart to death. Also Donkey Kong Country. The most defining game for the SNES IMO.
All the breast.
Errr, I'll not be having any rumour mongering about my age. I'm only 25, just had a hard life!! :D
Well I'm just clearing the picture. Don't want you girls imagining anything untoward. :)
**sharp intake of breath at the thought** Do I have to spell it out. She rode me until she broke me. Used and abused:( What am I saying, I mean...
Nowt wrong with my thrusts mate. She just got a bit carried away if you know what I mean.
Don't even go there. NOT very funny at all!!:o :cry: Still trying to clean the blood off the bedroom ceiling!!
Do you think being so pushy will get you anywhere. Tell you what. PM me your mobile number and I'll let you hear the sweet sound of the...
Separate names with a comma.