they're playing newcastle too so was just gonna go there if this place was shit! :p but then leeds is a lot better than newc... hmmm... think...
joe do you know jewdo?
eh? i'm not gay i just don't really think a mosh pit is my scene! :p MoS - is it like a total mosh pit place? or just a rock bar/club?
The Cockpit in Leeds... has anyone been to this recently? it always had a bit of a rep as being a dodgy sh*thole... thinking about going to...
nah you dont get the same 'quality' ladies on porn :lol: i miss taking the piss outta fat girls who put naked pics on themself on the internet...
yeah but on faceparty you don't even need to groom or anything... they're just there! :p my mate cracked the adult verification thingy but...
i don't want a fatty tho! :p or someone picked up off the internet! :eek: you can't even get naked pics like faceparty :(
i obviously don't do as much browsing of young girls on myspace as you ;)
i was thinking the same as you... or maybe he had a special page that i wasn't good enough to see :( then i noticed that :p
i think he means all the dates are from mid august?
the emo kids prefer bulimia. there's more pain and suffering in it AND they get to eat what they want :up:
google myspace layouts and put a few pics on... some shit about bands you like etc...
oh the irony.
i'm stylish rather than fashionable ;)
i thought harsh times was like a boring training day? all they do is drive around, drink and smoke weed?? :confused: a scanner darkly is good!
i like some of the adicolour ones that were around a few months back... the mr happy ones rocked :lol: :p
the thought of my face makes your posts funny? how do you work that one out? :dunce: here's you trying to be funny again...
no matter how many :lol: you put after your posts it still doesn't make them funny i'm afraid :(
oh the irony of this thread... lauraloo try's too hard all the time it seems...
so how pissed were you then? :p and back to the point of the thread i think they looked good... i like the mesh tutu's my fiance has them in...
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