True but contraception is only up to 99% effective. Some people are unluckily caught out!
If I wanted to see it, I could go find it myself thanks. You need to get off your high horse because you're opinion is no better than anyone elses...
I'm not saying its right to do drugs when you have kids. I fuly intend to stop as and whne kids come along if I haven't before then. But I...
Its a message board mate, how much notice do you think she's going to take of you? :lol:
He's one of my favourite DJs but I haven't seen him since Dance Valley last year where he was brilliant :love:
Yes I can. But you jumped in and threw around the accusations before finding out whether she breastfeeds or not! Thats my point. Not every woman...
God you need to stfu. I bet you're hardly frikking perfect are you? And I bet you're one of those lame asses who just moans about how everybody...
What sort of stuff did Christopher Lawrence play? Was he good? I wish I could have gone to this night!
:) As long as theres banter and it isn't too cliquey, I'll stick around. I can't get on GG at work so it will have to be this! We'll see eh? ;)
Most intelligent thing anyones said all day! :D
Jesus Christ. There you go again misinterpreting what I'm saying.... I'm not making any threats. I'm just pointing out that this could escalate...
To be honest you've made your point but its gonna cause more problems in the long run if you carry on this facade :( You've had your laughs but...
I can see that. The difference in banter is obviously the main problem. Along with the mods trying to stir things up so that more people come on...
Yes it is a generalisation but its done to us over on GG so get used to it :)
Replied :)
True but pissing the wrong people off won't do Rob any favours. There are people who work in IT who could do a lot of damage if they wanted. Seems...
Well why would he? Your mod has banned him on the GG board and you lot jump on anyone on here who likes GG. Thats been made obvious in the past....
You get used to his sense of humour though :) He's sound and can be quite funny sometimes.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fat Charver with the bairn Whilst cheap shots aimed at two people doing nothing other than bringing up a baby, is...
I know that :p but there's actually little paperwork for me to do here so I get long periods of boredom which were nicely filled up by the GG...
Separate names with a comma.