Whitby is a cheesey mega mixer. I hate his style with a passion!
oh dear i seem to have disapeared into the darkness of a gay mans purse
LMAO @ Bozo! I hav'nt heard that since jonny 5 was on the scene.
Yeah it does say on the flyer. I was just getting a little confused about your previous post.
Is there a big stage at the gig in Glasgow like? I've seen vidoes of them at sensastion black but I did'nt go. I've been converted further towards...
Re: Judgement Day tour @ Reactor - Angerfist 26/1/08 How about Angerfist at Digital??? I have other plans in Glasgow that weekend. So getting him...
Andy Whitby - Saviour of Hard Dance my arse. Boo hisss the guy can suck my balls. Getting a little more to the point now. I had a quality time....
Ooops should have looked at the flyer instead of shite on dont stay in. JOC it is then. Lol!
I hope everyone clashes with Whitby. The guy is wank! We get enough cheese in Shields already. I think the line-up is pretty darn good. I'll be in...
Most likely going from Shields. There should be enouph for a coach from outside Eivissa.
LMAO @ Skinny Micky. I must be fat Micky then. Woop I'm all excited now!!!
Future Music (A Hard Trance Mixtape) Hiya Guys! Please feel free to download and listen to my latest demo mix "Futute Music". Feedback would be...
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