Mines Archers and lemonade with ice also milky coffe.
Thanx kerry. Some people. Fluff was cos i liked fluff and e for Emma. what do ya get. Fluffe. Couldn't think of owt else at the time.
I'm 22, but i much preferred 21.
I've got to have one :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Can't go, got to be somewhere else which I can't get out of. Just my luck:cry:
I'm going after 3 weeks off. Can't wait. Hope to see all the usual suspects there too.:D :D
Re: Re: Cyber hard? Well said. Who cares what someone else wears. It's up to them isn't it.
I'm going and i can't wait cos i haven't been out in a while.:D :D And good luck Phil:D
Great meeting you Scratt. Hope you've enjoyed your stay and no doubt we'll be seeing you again.:D Takecare Emma xx
I have.
Oh hello you. Nice to know you are still alive, and will you pick answer your phone please.
I think it's more the thought that worries me. I know that when it's all over the pain isn't as bad as what i imagined it to be.
Needles are horrible things, I've never actually met anyone who likes them. I had to go to the dentist today and i've been worrying all day at...
Sorry. Well spotted to you then.:D
So you can. Well spotted.:D
Needles. Even worse when you've got to have one at the dentists. I hate it. Not nice at all.
That's me in the background wearing my belt:p
That's my belt in the backgound:p
Me and Bex will be there:D
Separate names with a comma.