staying in, few glasses of wine, possibly a film. not as excitig as i would like but new year is always a let down and im at work tomorrow anyway
my dog has an england hoodie lol!!! he lurves it cos he gets cold really easy :lol:
nothing all weekend. im at work:(
yeah good point. i hadnt looked into them that much! not something i would ever get! way too small to feel comfortable in, hense why im getting...
i agree i wouldnt feel safe driving anything smaller than the ford ka i have at the mo (till i getmy new car which will hopefully be sooooonn)...
working all weekend, atleast im, not off cos ive got no money so would be sick of my life!!
Re: guys don't you juat hate it :lol: :lol: what a nice thought ......NOT!!!:eek:
me too:D
aw good to hear aw he is cute, he will be fine just dont like it when they then huff with you when they have been
havent really heard that she up to much other than seeing some lad who was in the house
still good thanks lol....hows your hangover?? a bit better i hope gonna go and be nice to the puppy soon cos he at the vets at 3 o clock:)
bloody hell, if whoever took that laptop was sitting listening to that im suprised they didnt jump up half way through and own up to it!!!!
happy xbox 360 day you dont get much sleep tomorrrow:love:
aw poor ian, his mam has just died!! ian dosent do himself any favours to be fair but its still not ok for jayne to cheat on him!!!
mint!!! seen him twice and thoroughly enjoyed both times:love:
ive got the time off work for this one so really hope the date dosent change!!
lol, have you found that last disc again geek?????
im buying a house at the mo and im well scared!!!!! especially when i can see that they are nearly finished building it lol!!!!
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