ditto and also my kronenberg pint glass. both go hand in hand really:D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Farm Party 3 Lineup not playing soft prog like, its gonna be canny tough gettin trancier 2wards the end i think:D
Re: Re: Re: ibiza this year? me, lee, charles, daz, andy, woody and gilly:D
we were looking mate but some of the villas are pretty expensive. check out this website http://www.villasinibiza.com theres some...
£491 its for my 21st off my rents. wasnt a bad price like compared to other deals
ibiza this year? just booked up for ibiza goin on the 9th opf august. was wondering if theres anyone goin over at the same time? cant wait for...
whats remi play?:D
have to buy a fleet of the sexiest cars, get a really nice house probs in darras hall, gym, studio and quality skate park included. buy property...
Re: just had the stitches out of me arse had the same thing done mate, its not nice. they left mine open mate, it does heal, its just...
all the best mate:D :king:
up 'r' class and suze randals - addicted to sex. both have the one and only lannie barbie in. if u havent seen her before i recommend u do. shes...
Re: Hummel eh?
ill send u a cd or 2 like, merlin and mick said the last one was canny:D
:lol: :lol: :lol: its all about the ass:D
Thought u said in another thread he was boring, or something along those lines???? Obviously he aint then?
slap comin ur way on the boat u geeky little twat:lol: :lol: :p
tickets for the boat?? went to rpm the other day and they didnt have any. anyone know where i can get one before the event?:D
class night. was canny smashed. total mint crack. world headquaters was spot on. bring on the next beer session :D
happy bday sheeba. sweat on me 2moro instant knockout like:D
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