so if it was any1 else aprt from claire, would u still not want that person 2 be happy????
:lol: peter
horse chestnuts are fucking rank, id much rather put one on a string and play conkers with it:D peter
i was too shy back then. i think when we finished he gave me all the pics he had of me back (normal pics that is, as i say i was too shy for any...
i was goin out wiv a lad from when i was 13 till i was 18. we are still really good m8s. i went out wiv sum1 else afta him, then when we had...
she sent me one too it sed, shut up daft **** or sumthing like that peter
coke:up: but very expensive pills:up: except shit ones mdma powder - never had it before ket:up: alsong as you dont take too much and are in a...
i cnt sign in either!!! :(
the one you bought ME for christmas, which belongs 2 ME? so NO you shouldnt lend him that 1! ;)
u will have a hard job, since u dont have it :rolleyes:
:o didnt see this comin. hope u r both okely dokely!!! :hug: :hug:
im quite excited tbh, dunno why either.:confused: :dance:
:screw: :screw: :screw: so wud u, coz then u could have the sixom every night ;)
and i only put u, coz u would of gone off it if i didnt :laugh: :love:
i would choose the most fattest people, so when i got sick of coconuts or whateva, i could eat them!!;) but bearing in mind, im tiny and would...
i was the peach aswell :D
586- is that a man or a woman in that pic??? :confused: :spangled:
ai, u goin on the 19th feb?
Separate names with a comma.