im getting one for xmas this year :) only £50 from asda too
Excellent :) dont mind the wait i'll just buy one the day before
Does it actually taste like draft, i'd buy one but I cant stand tinned stella and I wouldnt imagine these taste the same?
very strange, im quite drunk though :confused:
Theres a program called ISOBuster which is good for checking out ISO's too, you can open/extract/covert ISO's etc.
Wont that only work if the net is being shared through a computer, i use Netlimiter myself just to restrict access/bandwidth for applications. I...
Unless you have a machine as a server (serving the net) its not really possible to do using software, as the traffic is sent out using your...
Just used GIANT spyware killer for the first time and it is a great piece of software :)
Ive got videologic digitheatre 5.1 surround sound speakers on my pc, cost abit more than £100 and also had to buy the soundcard with 5.1 output...
You can get TV cards from pretty much any PC parts shop, i'd look into it before buying one though, you want one which will support the PS2 input...
Just a stab in the dark, maybe a fault fan within the PC, causing it to overheat and slow down? Maybe check for spyware?
Just passed roxannes, the queues huge! (queuing into vogue), looked mainly like 15year olds charvas.
I think they will be playing in Vouge upstrairs to roxannes, dont think i'll be going though, the place is gonna be rammed with charva's lol.
R.I.P a true legend
I thought it was only me who this annoys, seems the word went national and lost the R.
My little pug :) had it for just over a year now. [IMG]
Everything on your computer is saved on your harddrive. If you were to upload an image from your mobile to your computer, its then on your...
Only seen 30mins of Shan, but what I heard was great, was pretty knackered after dancing to lashes, she was alright.
I wasnt sure at first (not knowing the facts etc) but I totally agree with this now, after reading a little more into it this monring, poor thing :(
Right click a smilie and go to 'properties' should display the address of the smilie
Separate names with a comma.