Wow. Absolutely amazing. Huge thankyou's to everyone involved. It was incredibly hard work to put together, but the satisfaction of being involved...
Even funnier... Allie has just asked me if Johnny W is one of my aliases. I might be a persistent twat, but I'm not that underhanded!
Hahhahahahahahahahah What on earth do you mean? Try this link mate
Wasn't Wonderland the name of Pete Tongs night in Ibiza BTW?
Hahahaha Talk about putting words in my mouth (or fonts in my box) No, I was merely saying that my pun was naff
The last reply was to signify the tumbleweed i have just prompted
The difference is, mr c's one always has a q! BOOM BOOM! (Superfreq, geddit???)
(Lets hope you cash them up quicker than you did the "Peterlee Payment Patrol")
Thanks for clearing that up pete
ooooh get her
So would we mate, but agents is agents!
I someday hope to be it's Noel Edmonds (I've got the beard and hair already)
Just to confirm, cos there seems to be some confusion on other sites... THIS IS NOT SOLD OUT... WE HAVE KEPT SPACES TO PAY ON THE DOOR. (But...
Dave, are we to infer that you regard yourself as clubbings Colin Firth / Digitals D'Arcy?
Is the Wonderland thing still going ahead then?
I could shit, i'm so excited about Saturday!
As You Like It is really good these days. You'll have no chance getting booked in till Jan at the moment though. Black Door Brasserie at the...
I'm looking forward to this New Year in town. I think it's much better that there are a few affordable good quality parties kicking about....
Dada December Guest Preview... [IMG] [IMG] Saturday Dec 5th SMOOVE <Exclusive Dada Disco Set> (Acid Jazz // Smoove & Turrell) Ward10...
Separate names with a comma.